Some of the newer forms of malware coming into systems are macro-based. Recent data shows that 98 percent of Office targeted threats use macros. To combat this issue Microsoft has added into Office 2016 a feature that helps prevent the risk from macros and other higher risk scenarios. This feature can be set by group policy or allowing individual users rights to revise their settings.
The thinking behind this is, if you block the macro, you block the threat. When you set your macro threshold lower, the user gets a warning when they try to open the email that states the contents of this document are being blocked. This feature relies on the security settings built into windows to specify trust. If the file originates from a location considered to be the internet zone the macros will be disabled. This helps cut down on malware getting through.
It is not recommended that you enable macros on documents or emails from any source you do not trust or know. You should also be careful even with friends or colleagues as may have been unknowingly hacked. If it seems suspicious it probably is and it's best to heed the warnings.
Any questions you may have regarding the disabling of macros, please contact us at Glasser Tech 516-762-0155.